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Viestit - KKX

Viime sunnuntain ohjelman korvasikin yllättäen Radio Moniquen päivä taajuudella ja samalla lähettimellä, joten ns. levytoiveemme Finnish Hour -ohjelmaan siirtyivät nyt viikolla eteenpäin 5.12.-ohjelmaan. Kun R Caroline soitti suomalaisen Battle Beastin musaa ohjelmassaan; menin tuubiin ja kopioin yhden heidän kappaleistaan ja muutin mp3:ksi ja pistin sen huvikseni Aartille, joka vastasikin samantien -"soitamme sen ensi sunnuntaina"! Joten tämä oli nyt väliaikamerkki heiltä, että elossa vielä ollaan ja aamulla se taas sitten alkaa :)  yt kkx

5.12.21 -- ohjelma alkoi komeasti Finlandia- hymnillä Suomen itsenäisyyspäivän kunniaksi - lisäksi Finnish Hour oli taas tietysti täynnä suomalaista Euroopassa varmasti ennen kuulematonta musiikkia. On meillä hyvä ystävä Hollannissa. Lisäksi on aikeissa tehdä jouluohjelmaa Suomesta joulun aikoihin.. ja teema saattaa näkyä myös aseman kotisivuillakin! Matskua saa hänelle lähettää... minulta hän jo tilasi paremmat kuvat radiopaidoistani :)  kkx
Tuolta löytyy myös tieto Finnish Hour -radio-ohjelmasta -- tällä hetkellä ainutlaatuinen maailmassa! :)
Perjantai 3.12.21
Non-normal conditions; I wonder if it was caused by the sun. Ups and downs though the signal as itself was like a strong one. But therefore I made a new comparison.. sound clips from 3 diff Kiwi sdrs 1) Iiitti 2) Skåne in S-Sweden 3) Götaland in W-Sweden --- 
eka selvästi sivusuunnassa kuuluvuuden vertailuyritys... valistunut arvaus oli, että etelä-Ruotsissa oli parempi sinkku, mikä myös toteutui.
Pyhäinpäivän konsertti

Dear Listener,
Help keep Encore on the air:
Encore is a one-man operation. WRMI and Channel 292 are very generous with their air-time but Encore still costs me around 200 Dollars/Euros a month to broadcast.
I'm happy to go on giving my time and such expertise as I have to the project of broadcasting classical music on Shortwave - it's a passion - but I need some help with the costs or Encore will have to stop.
There is a PayPal donation button now on the homepage of the website - - which folks can use if they want to. If PayPal is no good for you then send me an email and we'll sort something else out.
Thank you.
hot light skin boys
28.10.2021 - 13:57 #1
1000 12085 MONGOLIA VOM 250 kW:n teholla kiinaa eetteriin. Englantia lähetetään 0900 puolituntia suuntaan 178 mikä lie suoraan etelään. Asemalla on kotisivukin . Lähetyskieliä on viisi englanti, japani, venäjä, kiina ja mongolia. SDXL-IIT 28.10. 3 KKX
1800 6260 Radio Quintus soittaa erikoisen mielenkiintoista musiikkia. Vastasi raporttiin nopeasti paluupostissa. QSL:ssä oli lähettimen kuva. 
Dear Listener,
Help keep Encore on the air:
Encore is a one-man operation. WRMI and Channel 292 are very generous with their air-time but Encore still costs me around 200 Dollars/Euros a month to broadcast.
I'm happy to go on giving my time and such expertise as I have to the project of broadcasting classical music on Shortwave - it's a passion - but I need some help with the costs or Encore will have to stop.
There is a PayPal donation button now on the homepage of the website - - which folks can use if they want to. If PayPal is no good for you then send me an email and we'll sort something else out.
Thank you.

(This bulletin is sent by Bcc to the many hundreds of listeners who have been in contact with Encore over the last two and a half years of broadcasting Encore.)

Brice Avery

28.10.2021-- Viikonloppu lähenee! DRI taas toivottavasti äänessä viikonloppuna! Kaikki kynnelle kykenevät siis nyt pistämään dj Aartille toivelevyjään, mielellään mp3-muodossa, jolloin ne ovat samantien soitettavissa vaikka suorassa ohjelmassa! Kuunnellaan taas joukolla
La 6005 kHz illalla
Su 6020 kHz liki koko päivän aamusta klo 9.00 alkaen SA
Here's another collage where someone could think, "what the hell is that?"

These are the "digital extras" in the form of playlists and files transmitted via the shortwave. The people involved in this show have a very high level of IT and audio experience. Even the decoding program for HAM DRM has been greatly improved. The HTML sent with it consists of a minimum of text and uses animated vector graphics for the design. This time the elegant pattern is based on the Bézier curves.
Small mathematical formulas saved hundreds of kB of pixel information. Data rates must be used sparingly on transmission paths via shortwave.
Nu är det lördag igen!
On aika avata radio - Delta Radio International! Taajuus 6005 kHz illemmalla lauantaina ja taajuus 6020 kHz sunnuntaina liki koko päivän!
Ohjelman formaatti on suureksi osaksi - toivekonsertti - joten toiveita voi lähetykseen lähettää mielellään mp3:na, jolloin niiden soittaminen käy helpommin studiossa suorassa lähetyksessä.

"we are not on air tonight
very bad weather here
we don't  wanna damage our transmitters
we will check tomorrow again" DRI
Nice day by the radio with DRI again, no dobt! Real fun! The transmission was seeminly well audibly all over the Europe, but really nice just here in Finland! Many many record requests were played for the Finnish dxers again and many warm greetings sent and received!
This is a good community! Really nice! Many thanks to Aart again for the good show!
PS. This message was read also in the live DRI show! After that my and PSO´s music!
17.9.21 Thanks Kari - there will be some ABBA as you've probably never heard it before in Saturday's Encore...  Brice
Regular Broadcast times of Encore are:
10:00 - 11:00 UTC Saturday 6070 kHz Channel 292 to Europe - Simulcast on 9670 kHz
This week's Programme - First broadcast this coming Saturday by Channel 292 - begins with some of the suite for the ballet Swan Lake by Tchaikovsky, part of one of Bach's Brandenburg Concertos, and then two interpretations of other people's work by contemporary US composer Caroline Shaw. After that we'll listen to a cello sonata from Claude Debussy and the Octet in E Flat Major by Beethoven.
27.9.21 WOR: 5850 USA Radio Tumbril (via WRMI Okeechobee, FL) at 0100 // 7780 (Very Good via WRMI Okeechobee, FL) with ID of "Welcome to Encore, an hour of classical music,on Radio Tumbril with me, Brice Avery" and into a piano sonata – Very Good Sept 26 Coady-ON – Outside of the fine classical music programs on Canada's CBC Radio Two there is no finer classical music program anywhere on radio these days than this offering which is a labour of love on the part of Brice Avery. Brice's website,, shows his broadcast schedule for WRMI as well as Channel 292 in Germany, lists the selections he is playing each week, and allows for comments on this fine program.
BBC Radio 3
Based in London, the venerable BBC Radio 3 offers live and recorded classical music and opera, as well as jazz, world music, and discussion of the arts. Highlights include live broadcasts of the BBC Proms and BBC Orchestras and Singers.
Classic FM
Billed as the UK's only 100 per cent classical music radio station. Programs include The Full Works Concert with Jane Jones and Catherine Bott, The Classic FM Chart with John Brunning, and Smooth Classics with Margherita Taylor and Myleene Klass.
Danmarks Radio P2
Copenhagen's P2 presents both live and recorded classical music, and discussion of the classical music scene.
NPO Radio 4
The Netherlands' radio station focusing on classical music, with live concerts from around the world presented each evening.
RCO Web Radio
The web radio station playing recordings from Amsterdam's Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra.
Texas Radio Shortwave presents; a new series of European free radio relays via WRMI-08 Okeechobee
0000-0100 UTC on 5950 RMI 100 kW / 355 deg to ENAm English on Sunday
September 19 Crusin Radio
September 26 Offshore History Radio
October 2-3 = Radio Monique International (The Netherlands) *
October 9-10 = Radio Blackstone International (The Netherlands)
October 16-17 = Charleston International Radio (Germany) *
October 23-24 = KR1 (The Netherlands)
October 30-31 = Cupid Radio (UK) *
November 6-7 = Radio Pamela (UK)
November 13-14 = Radio Jingle Bells (Germany)
November 20-21 = Free Radio Service-Holland (The Netherlands) *
November 27-28 = The Vault (Somewhere in Europe).
*Returning content provider with new programming.