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Viestit - JJH

The Fun Fan Club / Vs: RealMix Radio
08.03.2024 - 22:32
The Fun Fan Club / RealMix Radio
08.03.2024 - 22:07
RealMix radio is a licensed SW station from Finland.

Broadcasting on weekends on 6185 KHz from Raasepori, Finland.

Reception reports to
Joakim Weckström
RealMix Radio.

Jyväskylän rinkulan tulokset 17.2

Jyväskylän 10.2 rinkulan tulokset!

CB/PMR446/RHA68 / Vs: Baofeng UV-5R
15.01.2024 - 00:13
Vastaavan Quansheng UV-K5/K6/5R maalliin löytyy jäätävän hyvä Custom Firmweare
CB/PMR446/RHA68 / Vs: RHA-68 -linkkejä
15.01.2024 - 00:04
Suomen RHA68 Facebook-sivu:

Jyvässeudulla erittäin aktiivinen RHA68-skene.
CB/PMR446/RHA68 / Vs: RHA-68 -linkkejä
15.01.2024 - 00:03
Uusi linkki RHA68 kutsuluetteloon:
Jounin ennätys!

Pirate Hunt / Vs: Pirate Hunt 2023
16.06.2023 - 11:03

1. Jouni Kilpinen, Finland 51
2. Lars Jeppesen, Sweden 50
3. Klaus Fuchs, Germany 46
4. Risto Harjula, Finland 44
5. Mikael Sjöberg, Sweden 39
6. Kari Kallio, Finland 31
7. Konstantin Barsenkov, Russia 28
8. Luis Alejandro, Mexico 26
9. Pekka Sorjonen, Finland 21
10. Hugo Matten, Belgium 20
11. Hans Gosdschan, Germany 16
12. Jan-Mikael Nurmela, Finland 13
13. Stéphane Morice, France 12
14. Hans-Joachim Pellin, Germany 10
15. Patrick Robic, Austria 9
15. Janne Heinikangas, Finland 9
16. Robert Kipp, Germany 1


  • Finland: 169
  • Sweden: 89
  • Germany: 73
  • Belgium: 20
  • Russia: 28
  • Mexico: 26
  • France: 12
  • Austria: 9
Pirate Hunt / Pirate Hunt 2024
12.04.2023 - 00:41

Pirate hunt 2024 will be held during Easter 2024 (March 29th – April 1st).

We try to keep rules simple:

    • This contest is "Just for fun"! No need to argue.
    • SDR's included remote receivers; Kiwi etc. are allowed!
    • all bands are accepted but only stations without license are counted (no relays by legal stations) Stations with many names shall be counted only once.
    • log as many PIRATE stations as possible between March 29th 0000 UTC and April 1st. 2359 UTC
    • ID has to be heard or identification should be otherwise confirmed. QSL or recording is not necessary.
    • post your full logs on forum (, PirateHuntDX Facebook group or by e-mail piratehunt @, during or after the contest (but until May 21st, 2024)
    • participating is free for anyone and all participants will receive a diploma later
    • results will be published in end of May
    • Arguing about the contest rules will automatically result in a disqualification

    Pirate Hunt 2024 is organized by a local radio club Sisä-Suomen Radioaktiiviset (Radioactives of Middle Finland)
    Like Our Page in Facebook:

Twitter Community:

Everyone is warmly welcome!

Pirate Hunt / Vs: Pirate Hunt 2023
12.04.2023 - 00:39
Tuskin ollaan edellisestä toivuttu, niin uutta jo suunnitellaan ;D

Pirate Hunt / Vs: Pirate Hunt 2023
10.04.2023 - 21:54
There might be slight issues with our email services, so alternative email to send your log is: janne @ #PirateHunt23 #PirateHunt #SWL #DXing #shortwave