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Viestit - KKX

Hi Kari - Yes.  Happy Birthday to us. 
When our first show went on air, I had no thought that we'd end up on commercial shortwave.  However, after a few broadcasts, I decided that the quality of the programs was too good to be heard only by a handful of DXers.  So, in May 2020, we began broadcasting on Channel 292 and ceased having pirate stations air TRSW.  Since then, we've expanded to WRMI and WBCQ. Your reception report's correct, and here's your Birthday eQSL. It continues the tradition of featuring a Longhorn. The Radio Igloo program's very well done, and I hope you hear it.
Have fun at the birthday party tomorrow.
Best wishes and 73.
Terry Colgan N5RTC
Texas Radio Shortwave
It's the ONLY place to be!

Radio Kurier julkaisee mielellään sinne lähetettyjä QSL:ien kuvia
Texas Radio Shortwave  2. heinäkuu 2021  ·
We appreciate our listeners, most of whom we never hear from. Please leave us a review and
-tell us what you like and don't like about our music programs
-suggest a song about Texas or a Texas artist you'd like to hear us play
- let us know when/where you listen
-or just say Hi.
We'll try to respond to every review, so you know we read it.

Texas Radio Shortwave  22. marraskuu 2019  ·
Texas Radio Shortwave's Series One eQSLs will look something like this.
The Bos'n Mate's not satisfied with it and the Cap'n'll keelhaul him if he doesn't get it right.
Listen for our broadcast on Thanksgiving night and be the one to receive Series One card Number One.
Löysin tuon vanhimman TRSW-FB-viestin netistä marraskuulta 2019!  Ja ksa kumman.. TRSW juhlii vuosipäiväänsä tuoreen  schedulensa mukaan...
19/11/22 0900 Channel 292 9670 Third Anniversary!  Voisin arvata, että silloin juhtilaan 3-vuotissynttäreitä?
1. radiolähetys sanottiin olleen Kiitospäivän iltana 2019, joka kalenterin mukaan olisi ollut 28.11.2019.

Hi - December 25, 3955 kHz, at 1900 UTC, is TRSW's final program on Channel 292, ending three years of airing our shows for European listeners.  We're now broadcasting weekly programs to Europe on WRMI, 15770 kHz.)
We'll have a special eQSL for the final show, and we'll accept reports from listeners using remote receivers.
Mark this on your listening calendar and send along a reception report.
Terry Colgan N5RTC

Hei - tuolta sivuiltahan löytyy aivan täydellinen lataus TRSW:n ohjelmia...

Texas Radio Shortwave is an independent producer of music and topical shows broadcast by commercial shortwave radio stations
in North America and Europe.
Texas Radio Shortwave's Prime programs feature songs by Texas artists, or about Texas.
TRSW Special, Encore, Old-Time Radio, Rock-it Radio Revival, and On Stage shows feature a variety of music genres and artists,
including non-Texans and topical themes.
13/11/22 1200 WRMI 15770 2022 State Fair of Texas - Week 2
19/11/22 0900 Channel 292 9670 Third Anniversary
19/11/22 1800 Channel 292 3955 Radio Igloo (Sweden)
20/11/22 0200 WRMI 5950 Radio Igloo (Sweden)
20/11/22 1200 WRMI 15770 Radio Igloo (Sweden)

Hänt tidigare...
"Vi fick ett erbjudande av Texas Radio Shortwave att sända ett entimmasprogram över WRMI:s 100 kW-sändare  i Florida. Programmet var en blandning av information om DX-ing och vår klubb, blandat med musik av kända svenska artister. Det sändes den 3 juli 2021 och vi fick ett 25-tal rapporter från hela världen. Klubben har tillsammans med Radio Igloo producerat ett program med information om vår klubb, blandat med musik av artister från Västsverige. Programmet sändes med hjälp av en fri radiostation i centrala Europa på kortvåg den 23 april 2021. Konditionerna var goda och rapporter har kommit från hela Europa. Till World Radio Day den 13 februari 2021 hade vi producerat ett inslag om vår klubb. Det ingick i SDXF:s program, som sändes  via Channel 292.
Tidigare har vi producerat ett musikprogram, även det med musik från vår del av landet. Programmet sändes vid två tillfällen i december 2018 på mellanvåg från en fri radiostation i NL. Programmet sändes även två gånger från Nordamerika på kortvåg 6925 kHz med hjälp av Radio Gaga. Tyvärr var konditionerna mot Europa usla de kvällarna.Den 17 april 2020 skulle vi haft lyssnarträff i Loo, men den ställdes in. Till den träffen hade vi, tillsammans med Radio Igloo sammanställt ett önskeprogram där våra medlemmar kunde välja sin favoritmusik och också tala in en presentation av sig själva. Programmet sändes från centrala Europa på 4860 kHz och hördes bra runt om i Europa. Ett 60-tal lyssnarrapporter kom via e-mail." Västkustens DX-klubb
TRSW:tä ei kuulunutkaan 30.10. WRMI:n lähetyksenä Eurooppaan klo 12.00 UTC, kertoi Harri!
"Ehkä Halloweenin takia ei lähetystä ole ollutkaan Oli kai ollut tarkoitus laittaa joku ohjelma ulos sillä teemalla, mutta se oli jäänyt. Ilmankos 
WRMI vain soitteli joutavaa musiikkia TRSW:n ajalla."
Tarkistin ohjelmista seuraavat otolliset hetket kuunnella ohjelmaa!
19.11. Channel 292: 9670  kHz klo 0900 UTC ja
19.11. Channel 292: 3955  kHz klo 1800 UTC ja
06.11. WRMI         15770 kHz klo 1200 UTC ja
13.11. WRMI         15770 kHz klo 1200 UTC 
Mukavia kuunteluhetkiä itse kullekin  kkx
Without any prior notice, DRI tested 29.October on 6020 kHz by playing Dutch music and renewed station ID-jingles.
The Finnish "dart team" was however awake as always and began to report about the hearings to DRI's WA studio mobile phone and very soon it was answered.
Dj Aart said being then very busy and that he was working in the sc. engine room. He asked us to stay by the radios, because during the day they
were going to do tests with the new transmitter on two new frequences as well - "I´ll app you a message when we start to test!" The question was to make a short carrier wave test with a low power of 25 watts on the frequencies 11660 and 9710 kHz. The tests were quick and quiet. In Finland the signal strengths were S5-7 but DRI`s own observations via Irish and Italian remote receivers were better S7-9. Aart reported being very satisfied with the outcome of the transmitter testings!
PS. The question is whether DRI plans to start broadcasting now on the 25 meter band as well. Namely. DRI's previous intentions to start broadcasting
on 41 meters were never materialized.
HHH:n kanssa olemme hieman pähkäilleet sitä, mitkä ovatkaan ne SDXL:n viralliset Kiwi-SDR-kuunteluasemat, jotka kuuluvat kerhon viralliseen ketjuun. SDXL:n kotisivut antavat aiheesta ristiriitaista tietoa. Tämä on silti olennaista heille, jotka kuuntelevat TRSW:n lähetyksiä ja raportoivat niitä; vain SDXL:n kuunteluasemien kautta tehdyt raportit Terry vahvistaa QSL:llä.
Tällä hetkellä ehkä paras vastaanotin juuri Parainen, joka puuttuu toiselta SDXL:n listoista mutta löytyy toiselta. Myös Kiwi-SDR:n kv. kotisivulla Parainen on merkitty SDXL-kuunteluasemaksi!
KiwiSDR v1.566 � 📡 GPS � ⏳ LIMITS � 📻 DRM � (1 / 4 users)
..eri asia on silti hyväksyykö Terry tämän vai jos hän joutuu arpomaan asian suhteen! yt kkx
PS. Terry laittaa SDXL-logon QSL:ään, jos kuuntelija vain ilmoittaa raportissa SDXL-jäsennumeronsa! Älkääpä siis unohtako!
Vinkkasin eilen kiireessä WOR/Nordx-jäseniä nopsaa siitä että DRI oli nyt äänessä! Muua radioamatööri ei tietysti ymmärtänyt koko viestiä eli kehotusta avata radio DRI-taajuudelta 6005 kHz. Se synnytti jo hieman lisäviestintää, mutta nyt asiaa kommentoi itse tohtori Hansjörg Biener! :)
"I do not see the WoR-group as a short message service and do not hurry to follow up on an "alert". Still in employment for some more years, listening to the radio and collecting information for the news columns of Radio-Kurier is not my full time activity. In fact, I very often lag behind quite a number of messages. To make best use of the group, I expect contributors to be as informative and precise as possible.

I understand Kari Kallio is a very enthusiastic supporter of Delta Radio International who has even organized some programming on the station. But even then his "clear message to open the radio on 6005 kHz after an absence of 6 months!" makes me wonder whether he meant "6 weeks"
My file on Delta Radio International contains these earlier messages:
220625 Delta Radio Int. made a short testing transmission at 18:30 UTC on 6005 kHz - nice S9 signal here in the North. DRI has been off the air for over a month! Let's wish for a prompt but smooth revival for this wonderful radio station. Kari Kallio
220703 so 11:39 We hear nonstop music on 6020 kHz - no announcements - no IDs. Maybe they are testing today a new transmitter or a new antenna or both. The signal has been in the SDXF Southern remote test Kiwi SDR receiver between S7-9 but here in Finland much weaker. We believe this is Delta Radio International. Its transmitter was also in use yesterday evening on 6005 kHz when Radio Monique was there on air then. They co-operate nowadays more or less. Kari Kallio
220717 so What happened to Radio Delta, 6020 kHz?  Radio Delta International has been out the air for several weeks, their operator has been ill, and is not responding to Whatsapp, does anyone know anything about him? Manuel Méndez
No. DRI radio silence has been total. WA-messages go to the studio mobile phone which has not been opened in several weeks. As far as we know it concerns sc hard covid. We Finns are of course worried for a reason. DRI has become a good friend of the several Finnish listeners. Kari Kallio
220812 DRI on air on 6005 kHz just now (ca 1645) Aart been very sick in many months -- now recovering! Great! Kari Kallio
220812 6005, Delta Radio International, Elburg, 1834-2010, pop songs in English, id. "Radio Delta", English comments, from 1900-1930 strong QRM from Radio Taiwan International via Kostinbrod with French program, but Radio Delta heard weak in the background with songs and identification. Strong QRM again at 2000 from Radio Taiwan with Russian program. 32433. Manuel Méndez ES
now at 1900 an half of hours break but DRI DRI returns after that - stay on line then Kari Kallio
Unscheduled broadcasts of Radio Delta International: 6005 kHz via Elburg, August 12
from 1955: 6005 ELB 001 kW, non-dir to WeEu English. Good signal via SDR Heimiswil, Switzerland
Probably Radio Delta International is on air from 1600UT."

..johon sitten vastasin 23.10.22 -Thanks to Hansjörg for the thorough analysis that included also DRI's tests that we didn't have even information about. You are really in the know about everything that is happening in the DX world! DRI's charm is crystallized in its central character Aart, who radiates kindness towards each of his listeners all over the world! Many of us listeners in Finland have also been able to feel this warmth, for which DRI even organized its own program Finnish Hour, mainly for the music made in Finland as well the German Hour for the German music. There is a demonstrably large group of DRI listeners just in Germany! According to my own notes, the last real DRI radio program before yesterday was on 12.8. at 16:30 on 6005 kHz. Although it was not the so-called Finland- program, AB sent numerous greetings then just to Finland. What has worried us, the main means of communication, the WA-studio mobile phone, has been closed since almost spring, when the main character of the story fell ill. Against that backdrop, yesterday's surprise return of DRI was like a firework rocket for the show's fans elsewhere in the world. That's why I was in a hurry to tell the whole world about it also through WOR. A little before midnight, AB had sent me another message " Thanks for your report: We´ll meet again!". Maybe now there is enough strength to implement the big future plans for DRI that he already told me about in the spring. I am sure that DRI's loyal listener base will continue to support the station in the future, whatever it will be. I've often said about DRI that it often feels too good to be true! :) It is true! mfg Kari
The Fun Fan Club / Vs: Radio Onda
18.10.2022 - 21:40
Politicians who deny the light of the sun? You can fill entire football stadiums with it. For example, in Belgium – officially – the AM no longer exists. Licenses for both medium and short wave are therefore no longer issued. Although the country was allotted a whole spawn. And that leads to special situations, of which this is one. Radio Onda is a Belgian shortwave broadcaster with a... Dutch license in its pocket.

The radio is managed by the non-profit organization Onda, with its registered office in Brussels. The format consists of a mix of French and Brazilian music, with the intention of making Brazilian culture better known. Therefore, in addition to the web radio, a shortwave station was also started on 6140 kHz, with a power of 500 Watt. The transmitter is located in Borculo, a Dutch municipality in the Achterhoek, province of Gelderland. From there, a large part of Europe is reached. (see also map below)

The programming is quite varied, from Brazilian popular music (MPB), national rock, samba and country to many other national styles. With the focus on the 80s and 90s of the last century. The musical variety is great. Humor and information are not shunned. The aim is to reach not only a Brazilian, but also a Belgian and European audience.

The non-profit organization Onda is a member of HFCC in Geneva, the international body responsible for the coordination of shortwave frequencies. Onda hopes soon to be able to broadcast via the digital ether in the European capital. (TB – courtesy of HV)

° Radio Onda

radiovisie - nederland
The Fun Fan Club / Vs: Radio Onda
18.10.2022 - 21:21
tuolta sivulta pitäsi saada radioaseman stream-lähetys kuulumaan. Loistavaa ajanvietettä!

"I have recorded the 49 metre band on some of our last DX-peditions, hoping to catch some of the new hobby stations which have popped up in Europe over the past decade.

One of these stations is Radio Onda in Belgium which was noted on 5940 kHz both in January and in October 2020. My reception from October 2020 was answered with a nice e-mail and later also a real paper QSL-card (see above), signed by Julio Roth.

Radio Onda started broadcasting on shortwave in January 2020 using a 500 watt transmitter located not in Belgium, but rather in Borculo in neighbouring The Netherlands. Julio says it was impossible to receive a licence to operate on shortwave in Belgium so instead he opted for The Netherlands, eventually becoming the first private legal shortwave station in the country. As everybody know, The Netherlands is a paradise for illegal pirate shortwave stations though so certainly not the first shortwave station in the country! 🙂

Julio says he hopes to get a DAB+ licence to operate in their home city Brussels too. For now, Radio Onda only operates on shortwave and by streaming. The shortwave frequency has now changed from 5940 to 6140 kHz. Radio Onda is run by the nonprofit association ASBL Onda, catering to the Brazilian population in Brussels. In addition to Brazilian music, the station also plays other pop music."
Arild´s DX Diary
The Fun Fan Club / Vs: The Fun Fan Club
18.10.2022 - 20:46
TRSW lähetystiedot koottuna noista aikatauluista; 1200UTC - 15770 kHz: 23/10., 30/10., 6/11., 13/11., 20/11., 27/11
Channel 292:n katta 15/10 - 6070/9670 klo 0900 UTC ja illalla uusintana 3955 kHz klo 1800 UTC-- ja siinä se tais olla sitten TRSW:n viimeinen lähetys Euroopasta käsin

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